EcoShredding Helps Restaurants Shred More Than Lettuce
You provide favorite meals to regular customers, your employees enjoy working for you, and – according to your business consultant – your food-service business is thriving, thanks to great marketing, a fabulous menu, and your expert business planning and tracking.
To keep things running smoothly, make sure that part of your plans and procedures includes regularly scheduled secure shredding of sensitive documents.
Which paper documents must a restaurant regularly put on their shredding menu?
- Customer Information – including credit/debit card receipts (after 4 years), reservation information, delivery addresses, customer phone numbers, catering schedules, etc.
- Price Lists – for menu items, supply orders, equipment orders (4 years after the item is no longer in service), catalog inquiries, etc.
- Sales Reports – once reports have been completed, transmitted, or replaced with a newer version, resign them to the shredding bin (Budgets, inventory lists & bills of lading should be kept for 4 years)
- Memos – which may include phone messages, action items, etc., particularly if the pages include names, dates, phone numbers, addresses, or other sensitive information (Credit memos must be kept for 4 years)
- Receipts – once a paper receipt has been processed, the paper copy should be discarded, especially those with a signature – either that of a customer, or of an employee accepting a delivery (sales reports must be kept for 4 years. Receipts associated with a general ledger must be kept permanently)
- Employee Data – including time sheets (after 6 years), payroll forms (after 4 years), copies of checks (checks related to tax returns must be kept permanently), job applications/resumes (may be shredded after 3 years if not hired; after 7 years, if terminated), background checks, etc.
- Insurance Forms – claim forms (may be shredded 10 years after settlement),accident reports (after 6 years), safety reports (after 8 years), and expired policy forms and statements (4 years after policy termination)
Because restaurant schedules vary from those of office-based and traditional retail businesses, EcoShredding pairs well with a restaurant’s shredding needs. Our mobile document destruction service means we can schedule a time convenient to your manager or shift leader, shred on-site, and provide the peace of mind that comes from knowing the work was completed to-order.