An Easy Way For Your Office To Go Green
Chances are your office produces a great deal of paper documents. Most do! Many of these contain sensitive information that must inevitably be destroyed.
Don’t have a company bonfire planned? You could hire someone to sit and shred document after document, but is that really the best use of your time and money?
A good shredder costs money, they tend to overheat, and shredded pieces will likely end up all over the floor. Then what do you do with the bagged up paper mess? Tossing it in the trash is not the most environmentally sound option. Also, once in the trash it becomes fair game for any Dumpster divers.
But there’s good news: We’ll take care of all of this for you! And we even recycle the shredded material.
Did you know that for every ton of paper recycled, you save: 17 small trees, 3 cubic yards of landfill space and 7,000 gallons of water??
By offering daily, weekly or monthly pick-up, we fit your needs. Or if you just need a one-time office purge, we can handle from just a few boxes to thousands of pounds! We’ll place secure containers or executive consoles in your office so you can store up for our next visit.
There’s never any need to worry that all sensitive information is actually destroyed because we bring our state-of-the art mobile shredding truck. You can even watch the materials be destroyed for yourself! Plus, we’re compliant with HIPAA, FACTA, and GLB.
Ready for a simpler solution to bring you out from under the cloud of paper and simultaneously help the planet? Learn more on our website or give us a call at 770-490-5607 to get started today!